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Gap Box 3 x 4
France Version française
Photos by Arnaud Saudax text by Arnaud Saudax. From the collection of Arnaud Saudax. Last update 2022-11-21 par Sylvain Halgand.

Manufactured or assembled in France from (Circa) 1952 to (Circa) 1955.
Index of rarity in France: Infrequent (among non-specialized garage sales)
Inventory number: 7132

See the complete technical specifications

Chronology of cameras Gap 

Document sans titre

Sometimes confused with Agfa, because of its discreet logo with the shape of a diamond 1, GAP cameras are indeed French. Mc Keown evokes a collaboration with German manufacturers during the 30s, but the manufacturing of the 40s and 50s is national.
There is little information about the company. The name of the designer George Paris is often mentioned to explain the name of the GAP brand. George Paris was a kind of compulsive inventor, filing in the 10s, international patents for an ignition system for Pigeon lamps, an electro-magnetic switch, a clamp system for fixing the pipes, an ashtray for smokers, etc. . but strangely nothing related to photography.

GAP fabrications are essentially boxes, although there are some models that bear a resemblance to Ultra-Fex, but in all cases, the material used is folded sheet metal.
GAP box cameras attract amateurs more by their decoration than by their technical qualities. Let's try to establish a synthesis of the various box models by characteristics:

Box 3 x 4 (127 rollfilm)
Only one finder, no handle, strap attachment points on some models, back maintained by pressure.
v-groove finder riveted to top Gap Folding finder GAP
Frame finder GAP Tube finder GAP
Painted front face GAP Front face with deco GAP
With addition of a metallic octagonal ornament GAP    
Film winding, only
early models
Gap Later models Gap

Box 6 x 9 (120 rollfilm)
Two finders, one handle. The back is held by a clasp.

No integrated viewfinder (only one side added)


Two integrated viewfinders


With addition of a metallic octagonal ornament


With addition of a round metallic ornament


With metallic addition, showing the shape of the logo (rarely painted)


With part of a Supergap

Sober decor GAP Colorful Deco GAP
Sober or colorful decor, and metallic addition GAP    

Hybridizations between these characteristics can give a large number of variants.
False variants circulate, they generally have a very colorful front face, with a rigid extra thickness, because the original decoration is very thin. The Pégamoid is a cotton canvas coated with nitrocellulose, which explains the frayed appearance of a large number of false copies.

The catalogs are not of much use for the determination of the color variants, their illustrations being only in black and white. Note that some catalogs make the mistake of giving these small box cameras for a 4 x 6.5 cm format, instead of 3 x 4 cm, confusing film format and negative format.

The 6 x 9 cm format box cameras theoretically exists in two types: Type 51, simple and Type 52, with yellow filter and two diaphragms.
The GAP boxes, due to their low cost, have been used as giveaways; hence some excesses on the decor.

1 This logo only appears on the back of 6 x 9 cm box cameras. It may or may not include the GAP name.


Not yet translated into English

La façade porte l'enjoliveur octogonal marqué GAP et Made in France, montrant que le constructeur en revendiquait la paternité. Le bouton pour l'avancement est en forme de décagone embouti dans de la tôle très mince, avec un chromage lui aussi très mince. Le viseur à deux cadres est fait dans le même matériau.

L'appareil est muni de deux boutons pour y fixer une dragonne et le déclencheur dispose d'un petit verrou empêchant les prises de vues intempestives et qui permet la pose T quand l'autre sélecteur est sur la pose P.

Le dos est laqué noir et comporte deux fenêtre inactiniques. Il est fixé par une charnière et dispose d'un verrou solidaire du viseur pliant. Le gainage est un simple papier noir, mais a mieux supporté les outrages du temps que le chromage.

Gap Box 3 x 4 Survolez l'image

Cameras from Ebay France (Gap) (Uploaded each 3 hours)

2 anciens appareils photos ,de marque ULTRA FLEX ,GAP

35,00 euros
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18,00 euros
Finira le 08-06-2024 à 09:22:28